2012년 5월 8일 화요일

We Produce 'Culture'?

A Korea’s big company announced its slogan recently, ‘We Produce Culture’. Seeing the announcement, I felt a little nauseous and disgusting. It is awful that commercialism makes use of ‘culture’ impudently in this way.

If you produce ‘culture’, a singer, film director, actor, author, philosopher, conductor are your workers?

The meaning and scope of ‘Culture’ cover all lifestyles, philosophy, science, engineering, factory, cities, races, folklores, etc. Culture is analogous to an almost all-fit key. So a pseudo-intellect is apt to be packed an expert in culture. But, it is nonsense to say that he/she is identified as an expert in culture. Because one person cannot nearly cover and know ‘culture’. I do not say there never exist such persons reaching it. Becoming an expert in culture is really similar with being a calm, full but humble, cool state obtained after the long journey of storm and stress.

What is most ‘cultural’? If anyone has three features such as variety, humility, uniqueness at the same time, we can call him ‘cultural’. ‘Culture’ is a state, organism, phenomenon, not a product to be made.

So ‘culture’ is ‘how to deal with and be applied’, not ‘how to produce.’ Culture is a living being, characteristic of ‘change’, ‘structure’, and ‘interrelation’.

If we produce a commodity or offer a service, we have to match the cultural factors concerned with it. Of course, we should not ignore the moves of the whole culture.

Culture has the opposite forces, to change and to keep order. These conflicts are combined with the other forces and the larger surrounding ones such that the grades of the change are determined and different respectively at the time and space.

Culture can be said ‘long-term based climate’ and ‘daily based weather’. Therefore, as we are not able to control the climate and weather, we do not produce ‘culture’. To do best is only to accept and exploit it with good heart. (The end)

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