The world’s financial crises derived from the Wall Street were, as known to everyone, due to greed of bankers and investors. The agonizing European economic difficulties are also owed to excessive welfare systems made by ‘populists’ politicians, and the people spent the ‘free’ budget without guilt or concerns.
Today modern persons, especially in the developed countries and middle-leveled countries like South Korea, consume all products and services extravagantly. Their consumption is boosted by ads and PR by way of the media. The media give an illusion to the general people that they might become like stars. Internet and mobile let the consumers’ purses exhaustively hollow.
It is assumed that companies themselves are riding one-wheel cycle of growing. If they stop growing, some economists say that the companies should fall to the ground immediately like one cycle. They claim that ‘maintenance’ is ‘retreat’. Is that right?
In a short-term, the claim might be logical, but any country keeping economic growth is possible? Moreover, almost all of the countries on the earth are presently running toward the economic growth. The outcome of growth is the excessive uses of natural resources and tremendous pollution, as we see the evidence in the melting Arctic and Antarctic poles. Really considerable economists conduct themselves like false prophets.
On walking in the park, I saw a dog with its owner. It looked safe and happy compared with the wild beasts. The dog does not need to be hungry and attacked to death. The owner gives meals and shelter to the dog every day. The wild animals have to keep hunting or eating something for survival. The God gives meals enough to live with dignity as long as we work sincerely and make a living decently. Nonetheless we are crazy to eat and spend too much, forgetting our already known instructions. Behaving ourselves like wild beasts, ironically, we feel ‘excessive unrest’ .
Stop growing does not imply stopping work. We can imagine ‘sublime life style’ and ‘empathy thoughts’ living with other peoples, animals, and nature together.
Luxury brands and expensive supper make your minds feel stable? Say to your inner mind loudly, ‘No!’. Greed will lead to more thirst. (The end)
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