2014년 3월 8일 토요일

How to Deal With the Shriveled Economy: Needs the Positive Mind-Setting Policies

 The growing and competitive companies always want excellent, creative, hard-working workers, however, who accounts for a fraction of their population in any countries. They can be employed anywhere beyond their nationalities.


The richer one country becomes, the less they have to employ local laborers ironically. The company prefers underdeveloped countries’ workers with more proficient and less wages to local ones with self-assertive attitudes (maybe radical unions) and higher wages. If the workers ask for higher wage and organize unions, the foreign companies almost certainly withdraw a part or whole of their producing factories.  


In conclusion, whether it’s the advanced or middle or developing country, the national economy that shows higher unemployment rates, suffers from the decline of local demands and consumption. Such the evil cycle that higher unemployment incurs lower consumption is turning around diminishing economy to retreating one. Japanese economy has been trapped into these inactive local demands and lower employment for the last more than 20 years.  (A recent series of Abenomics’ measures could be said the ‘last’ trial to solve their long depression.) South Korea also just entered into the long ‘muddy’ downturn.


Most of Korean people do not understand some pieces of the current, ‘strange’ phenomena. Typically despite the export increase the local market is shrinking continually in amount. Big and small local companies directly piping to the global market become richer, however, local companies isolated from global demands face the more shriveled local demands.


In the growing stage, all members of the economic units were happy with the money which the exporting companies have trickled down. The government had been even worried about inflation because of the exporting money overflowed in its local market. Now South Korea’s inner market is being dried up.


Don’t compare it with America’s. The U.S. market is an exception, because the world’s liquidity is pouring into it and they publish the dollar if necessary.


South Korea has three types of competitive companies contributing to the local economy. Those are firstly, a handful of global big companies, secondly a few global medium and small ones, thirdly excellent inner ones best adapting to the local customers. I don’t know how much the rest takes up in South Korea’s economy. But clearly we could know the rest of the weaker companies are losing their occupying portion of the inner market, and moreover the figure of the rest increases in a considerable speed.


Another threat is that South Korea economy depends unduly on global big companies such as Samsung. As we have seen Nokia’s sink affected deeply to Finland’s economy, South Koreans are concerned about Samsung-dependent economy.


Despite these shades of South Korea economy, they have one common perception that they are in some serious crises, and each members are struggling with their own conditions at best if not knowing a clear picture and direction. It is thought that South Korea has still hope and maybe it’s the strength.


How to deal with the shriveled economy? I think we should ask for help not from the economists but from ‘warm-hearted and normal-thinking’ psychologists and spirituals. It seems that the operation of short-termed economic recipes cannot heal the current economic disease, and we need the basic ‘exercise and meditation’.//  

2014년 3월 1일 토요일

We Really Search For a Great Leader to Save the Present Jobs-killing Economy

 In terms of labor force, automation reduces medium- and low-skilled jobs, which account for the majority of their population in any level of national economic units. For example, the 3D printers made in the U.S.A. are swiftly provided into the even underdeveloped countries. No one knows how deeply technology has impact on our employment.


American economy increased creative professionals of high-skilled jobs in sacrifice of medium and low-skilled ones during the last three decades. It has caused the severe polarization of the incomes. The haves have exploited technology, talent, and money enough, even the cheap labor force of the other countries so that they have made enormous wealth.


Japan had endeavored to preserve manufacturing for their competitiveness and maintenance of their employment. As a result, the crucial reform for the economic upgrade was delayed, and the manufacturing industries were also out-of-dated behind the radical technological advances and business flows, which was mainly generated by Silicon Valley’s entrepreneurs.


Now they have been overtaken by the developing ones. It is because Japan’s politicians have hesitated in choosing unpopular restructuring and self-adjustment in the market itself like the U.S. U.K., and Germany. In other words, the politicians did not feed ‘sour medicine’ on their people. There haven’t been strong revolutionaries like Thatcher.


As a matter of fact, creative talents are small, but uniquely American entrepreneurs’ culture and institutions help foster creative persons more than other cultures. It is guessed that the ‘melting pot’ circumstance of multi-races and continual immigration should make their members of the population educated for competition, creation, freedom and responsibility, fair rules,  


How about South Korea? South Korea is being stuck to ‘gray zone’ without creativity like America, high-skilled labor forces like Japan, and low-wages workers like China. ‘Sandwiched’ South Korea’s economy might suddenly fall off the cliff. 


Many South Koreans do not still sense the seriousness of current unemployed situation. Most of them do not know even why. They think it would be a kind of temporary phenomenon, so it could be changed in no time. But the unluckiness lasts dull. It seems that South Korea has just entered into the mouth of the long tunnel-like unemployment.


We are confronting both of the labor-killers’ technology and general labor spirit lowering crisis. Not only South Korea, but also every country urgently needs a great, prophetic, political leader to save the present jobs-killing economy.// 


2014년 2월 22일 토요일

The 'World Government' That We Can Postpone No Longer

The world economy is too much affected by the ones of the U.S.A., Europe, some new developing countries such as BRICS since 2000s. The world economy of the 21st century is really, bitterly being connected with the globally one networked structure. Every one of Koreans could be affected by the Fed’s decision. 

We could avoid this cruel globalization and run away somewhere? Absolutely it couldn’t. Globalization is an outcome of the evolution and development of human civilization. It has been sped up especially by transportation, communications, and information technology containing Internet, at last ‘omni-present’ mobile media.  

Globalization is making the world ranging from the advanced countries to the underdeveloped ones flatter to the economic level. All countries of continents except for warring places wholly moved toward the better lives, if there were some negatives. Globalization had let money, factory, and labor flow more freely. The companies of the advanced countries relocated their factories to developing and consuming ones, simultaneously avoiding their fierce unions, high costs, and ‘heavy’ regulations. 

The affluent money which does not catch some opportunities and searches for diverse portfolio in any places is invested on the developing ones, which has subsequently enhanced the new chances for wealth.  

All things always don’t go well. Recently the negative degree went too far against our expectation. The benefits of globalization have reached the few of the advanced and developing countries, in which there were little trickle-down effects other than in the less-developing ones. In my opinion, every government has done the best in correcting the present inequality, though their approaches are different to solve. However, unfortunately, their efforts did not come to anything.  

World leaders should now earnestly discuss the world government. The world government ought to be an organization to have forceful authority and regulations against all nations. The world government ought to be a more evolved form than the present EU. G2, or, G7, or G20 couldn’t deal with the first-faced economic recession accrued from the global economic system.(The end)

2014년 1월 18일 토요일

Who Coud Adjust To Our Own Greed?

What do you think is the most influential one of the factors to your individual life economy? Is it your firm, or technologies, or the government, or the global workforce inter-relations? Any of these factors could not be less important than the others.

In the half of 20th century the word ‘international’ was spent universally. Now no one refers to the ‘international’, instead, ‘global’ is used generally. ‘Global’ means that all of the country’s markets work as one if imperfect, while ‘international’ carries that all of the country’s markets are divided by every other borders. Of course, today’s markets work as ‘global’ one.

What is the most conspicuous feature of the advanced countries? It’s the higher unemployment, ironically, like that of the underdeveloped countries. The poor people under the rich countries are becoming the almost same level of the general ones of the poor countries, though the homeless of rich nations should not be starved to death. The unemployment rates of the developing countries are lower than the ones of the developed and underdeveloped countries.

Why? The jobs of the advanced countries moved to the developing and underdeveloped ones for the benefit of their owners, investors, and conservatives.

South Korea which had been free from ‘unemployment’ has also suffered from ‘the unemployment of the young’ since 1997, when they experienced serious economic slump caused by the lack of foreign currencies and conflicts of awarding economic rewards between the owners and unions of several companies.

We human’s greed is breaking down the capital and market economy. What’s clear, it is the fact that the present politicians and institutions aren’t able to adjust our individual greed related the votes and profits. In other words, our people of the free, democratic, capital regime cannot put fetters on ourselves.//  

2014년 1월 2일 목요일

Prayer's Effects

I have thought only that prayer is a 'window' to say my wantings to God and to work miraculously done by God.

I came abruptly to know that prayer itself is to correct our wrong thinkings, repent our sinful acts in the past, swear on walking on the right road, as a result heal our whole health, and ultimately flourish in our works, hopefully, our missions in this given lifetime.

Praying behavior is s gift of God, isn't it?