It is needed that we know the exact state of the southern Europe. The European Crisis is owed to complex causes, which are the obsoleteness of capitalism, the collapse of excessive, irresponsible welfare system, the moral and ethical hazards of the southern European peoples. Therefore, the crisis cannot be solved within a short term, though Germany is forced to agree with something generous made by other debtors. It is simple that the debtors should tighten their own belts, but the politicians try to avoid some unwanted measures, and appease the people’s complaints temporarily.
It is really nonsense to think that Germany is able to bear the astronomical amount of debts. It may be possible, if the rest of world including the U.S.A., China, India, Brics, helps the eurozone. Unfortunately, they are pressed with their own economic problems.
The solution is to repent the past conducts, reduce the unnecessary spending, work harder. If so, they will earn the faith of the investment market, and then recover their competitiveness gradually. The other methods are only an anesthetic to postpone the pains and dishonor.
The plan of the eurozone is a complete mistake from the beginning. The eurozone is another utopian dream unrealizable like communism. The Europeans had a wrong fantasy that the big scale like the U.S.A. and China is better and stronger to them. As a matter of fact, the bigger one country is, the worse the wellbeing level of the individuals under the bigger country is. It is an obsessive complex toward a giant. Let’s look at the realities rationally.
First in the human history, we live in the global economy, which means the nearly perfect competition among the countries. Such the global economy is most advantageous to adequate scope of the country so that the bigger countries like the U.S.A., India, China, Russia, and eurozone become less competitive. The big four countries have cost tremendous sacrifices for their integration, nonetheless they fail to achieve the well-being of their individuals. Knowingly the big four countries are poorer than the smaller rich countries like Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Australia, Singapore, etc. The eurozone is going to walk in the opposite way. The big scope itself means ineffectiveness in terms of all areas, such as education, infrastructure, armies, bureaucracy, medicare, etc.
If the eurozone does not walk on the right way, they might be first historically thrown into the secondary region, not mainstream.
The advanced western economy is malfunctioned and obsolete in respect of structure and quality. They have little medium leveled quality of laborers, because they failed to educate the pupils in school. They have spent more than earned, which has made worsen their fundamentals gradually.
While they are tying down, new challengers like China ran after them. They lost the ground of manufacturing industries.
Today’s economic difficulties were not originated from economic problems, but social, educational, and political ones. It is ridiculous that you ask the economists of investment banks about the causes of present economic crisis. The economists say that if any condition is given to some situations, they naturally result in something. But the assumption is almost always changing. The assumption to not change is unrealistic.
The current crisis is incurred of moral, ethic, spiritual, and social problems. It is very limited for the government to solve the crisis. The political parties are too much affected by a few powerful interest groups, so the public interest is apt to be ignored and sacrificed in the political negotiations and decision-making processes. The most disappointed thing is that some critical issues are unsettled for a long time without deadline or compromised temporarily. As a result, the most suffered is the voiceless mass and public interest so that the competitiveness of the country or community is slowly weakened. This is the substance of the advanced countries’ crisis like the southern Europe, UK, and U.S.A.
What’s worse, the democratic capitalistic system seems unproductive compared with the ones of the state capitalism such as China, Russia, etc. In the global economic competition, is it consistently reasonable to say that democracy prevails over totalitarianism?
In the democratic system, politicians generally prefer votes and popular policies rather than difficult choices for public interests. But the autocrats in the state capitalistic systems sometimes make reasonable decisions for the long-term visions of the public, though they first of all endeavor to keep their power. The democratic systems are seen in a state of a kind obsoleteness and dysfunction. The operators and operated people under the democratic systems became irresponsible, lazy, self-conceited for their works. On the contrary, the autocrats are strugglers to hide and supplement their weak points. Now the democratic politicians of the rich dad’s sons are losing face before the ones of the poor dad’s sons.
Strangely, after the western society deserted Christian faith and believes the postmodernism based human reason, they suddenly became stupid lazy people. Especially, faithless Europeans turned playful workers with little expertise and knowledge.
Europe adopted socialism so that collective downward standardization has proceeded until now.
Modern economic contradiction is generated from excessive consumption and debt. Modern person is consuming more than makes money, and does not save their income. Speaking accurately, they have little money to save. As a result, they have remained little in their pocket.
The largest feature of the modern economy is polarization. How to lessen the polarization? The recipe is not institutionalization and policy for solving, but our human morality, ethics, and spirits.
The upper classes should contribute to the poor and public society through their wealth and conducts. The middle classes should make much efforts so that their level of living has to be narrowed with the one of the rich as much as possible. For this, the middle and upper classes must keep sound spirit and morality, getting away with postmodernism.
We should build a new human-centered economy, or community economy, which does not mean socialism. Socialism is simple equalization. The human economy is love, share and contribution under competition. It implies empathy economy. We could see the real mechanism in the ‘bazaar’. The merchants in the bazaar compete with one another, but help when members are suffering from something unbearable.
Socialism deprives the wealth of richer persons, consequently, the rich leave their community and do not work hard purposely. The sabotages of the rich only damage their community and the poor.
We must care the alienated and poor people. I call it ‘care capitalism’. Koreans have an inspired mind. They work hard as if they were possessed, whenever they feel empathy, love, and sharing.
We should recover our substance and basic purpose. We are plunged too much into instrumentalism like a tool, method, and convenience. We have to focus our mind for the balance. (The end)